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GOAL, The Rand Corporation, University College London, and The Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, sponsored by Irish Aid, are hosting “From Crisis to Resilience”, a webinar series that aims to spark interest and explore the emerging lessons and best practices for building resilience in the most challenging of environments - fragile and conflict-affected contexts.

Learning and investing in resilience at various stages, and within critical socio-economic systems, is crucial to ensuring the preservation of gains in the well-being and development of people in the face of shocks, and to shift from humanitarian assistance towards long-term resilient development.

This 90 min webinar will explore innovations, evidence, and lessons learned when applying a systems approach to build resilience in fragile and conflict-affected urban contexts. Our panel of experts will draw on years of experience and lessons learned from the field in Latin America.

Panelists from GOAL, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI), World Bank Group and USAID will aim to answer the following questions:

  • Are high-risk informal urban settlements to be considered as fragile and conflict-affected contexts?
  • What is working or not when building resilience in informal urban settlements?
  • What new ideas or approaches in systems thinking are emerging to progress resilience in informal urban settlements?This webinar is free and open to all.

Recording available here: